
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

From the book jacket:

Three ordinary women about to take one extraordinary step...
Skeeter age 22 - The year is 1962 and with that degree from Ole Miss she wants more than her mother's dream of marriage and weekly bridge.
Aibileen - a black maid - steady, wise and emerging as a voice for many - devoted to the child Mae Mobley whom she looks after.
Minny - An excellent cook with opinions and temperament that both sustain and undermine her.

Lines are about to be crossed: racial, economic, social. A first time novel which illustrates in human detail the steps toward change and the price - large and small.

LET US HEAR YOUR VOICE - Choose one of the following or simply share your views of The Help.
1. Minny & Aibileen possess many admirable traits - share your thoughts on one of those traits.
2. Any favorite scenes from the book?
3. The Help addresses the work status of women in 1962. Have we changed? How?
4. The Help will be released as a movie this summer. Who would you cast in the lead roles?
5. What impact did reading The Help have on you?


  1. Just wait til you get to the "terrible awful", best part :)

  2. so this is not on the comment by Mrs.pensel but my favorite character was Aiblieen. she reminded me of my grandma because she cared so much for maymobly. also she was a very strong woman for doing what she did with the book.

  3. I read The Help for Literati. At least, I think I did. I could ahve read it for extra credit in Mrs. Ramdial's class. Either way, I'm SO glad I stumbled upon this book. It's probably one of my favorites that I've read this year.
    From the beginning of the book, I HATED Ms. Hilly. HATED her. I really wanted something terribly bad to happen to her (hee hee, Minny's pie...).
    I loved Aibileen, too. She and Minny were basically polar opposites, so I loved them for different reasons.

    And then, the woman Minny worked for. I don't remember her name, but I liked her too. I think it was Celia? I don't really know WHY I liked her. She was kind of pathetic.

    Anyway, I don't have much else to say, except that this book is definitely a ten.

  4. i agree with Lydia the terrible awful made me just about die laughing. no lie this is heather but i can't work the website
